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Paul Chen Hanwei Practical Iaito - 28" Blade

Paul Chen Hanwei Practical Iaito - 28" Blade

unedged training blades provide for safe drawing
In Stock
CAS / Hanwei
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CAS / Hanwei: Elite Series

Product Description

SH6000IGC -- Practical Iaito - 28" Blade
Partner Exclusive Samurai Sword

Our Practical Katana samurai swords have always been at the forefront of providing economical yet functional swords to the martial arts community. These latest Practicals combine the blade geometries and profiles of the Performance Series with the affordability of our Practical fittings.

The removeable handle is tightly wrapped in the tradtional style with imitation leather to provide a positive grip that will withstand years of kata practice.

Used for Frequent Drawing Practice

These unedged training blades provide for safe drawing for the beginning practitioner of the 450 year old art of Iaido. Forged from stainless steel the tempered blades are not only maintenance-free but more importantly provide the correct weight and balance needed for the rigors of repetitive drawing and sword motion practice.

Each blade has a deeply cut groove (bo-hi) to provide audible feedback when swung properly.

Samurai swords made by Hanwei.

Sword Key Features:

28 inch Blade
Built for Martial Artists
Stainless Blade

Sword Specifications:

Blade length: 28
Handle length: 10 1/2
Overall length: 39 1/2
Weight: 2 lb
Point of Balance: 5 1/2"
Width at Guard: 1.27"
Width at Tip: .99"
Thickness at Guard: .25"
Thickness at Tip: .15"
Sori: 3/4"

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