Nunchaku: The History and How It Is Used Now
The Nunchaku – those mystical weapons that all moviegoers
have fallen in love with and are regularly mesmerized by. These incredible
weapons have a rich history and extensive use in modern pop culture spanning
time from the 1960s and 1970s martial arts craze to present with several
characters utilizing these weapons. This includes the latest adaptation of
those loveable Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! This blog is going to explore the
history of these wonderful weapons, as well as how people craft them, and the
different ways in which to use them. This article will also take a look at the
various uses of the nunchaku in pop culture.
The History of the
The nunchaku has different names such as danger sticks,
nunchuks, and chainsticks. They have an incredible history, but they are more
known for their modern uses in films. The origins of the nunchaku is murky at
best, and it is still not clear as to where it came from and what it was
originally used for. The most common belief and answer is that it originated
somewhere in Southeast Asia as a tool for threshing things such as rice and
soybeans. Many people also believe that it originated in Okinawa as a wooden
instrument made of two wooden blocks connected with a cord. The night watch
used as a form of warning system. They would clap the blocks together to gain
attention and then inform people of dangers such as fires or other common
dangers in Okinawa. Historians believe it was from these wooden blocks that the
nunchaku became a weapon.
Some also believe that the nunchaku’s origin is not as murky
as others believe. Some historians believe that it originated in China and was
brought to Okinawa in the 17th century. It was brought over in the same manner
that many of these weapons were. As stated, this was brought over as a “farming”
tool, which made it impossible for the authorities to take the weapon away.
This “farm” tool began to be used in the martial arts practiced by the lower
class, but it is still unclear just how often it people used it for “farming.”
However, it is constantly stressed that the origin of the
nunchaku most likely did not come from peasants who were rebelling against
their rulers. This is because the martial arts practiced in Okinawa were not
available for the poorer classes to participate in. Regardless of its origins,
the nunchaku was used predominately in Okinawan martial arts and not used in
rebellions. In addition, the nunchaku was also not quite as popular as many
films suggest. The reason historians believe this is because of just how murky
the origins are. If the nunchaku were used significantly in martial arts, then
the origin would be clearer.
Out of all of the different weapons, it seems that the
origins of the nunchaku are quite different to many different people and
changes depending on those beliefs. Regardless of where it came from and how
often it was used, this weapon is still one of the most romanticized Okinawan
weapons in media and popular culture today.
Construction and
Parts Of The Nunchaku
The nunchaku has two different blocks of wood that connect
to each other with a cord, which is usually a chain. Different types of
nunchaku will have different designs with some having more blocks of wood or
chains, but these are not the norm for a nunchaku. It has a different
appearance in China from the nunchaku in Japan. The Chinese weapon tends to be
more rounded, whereas the Japanese weapon is more octagonal. The Japanese
nunchaku also has a cross-section; with the octagonal shape and cross-section,
this weapon injures people much more than the Chinese form of weapon. This can
cause significant head trauma and incapacitate a person. However, it is also a
great self-defense weapon. The wood blocks should be as long as the forearm so
that when a person holds the weapon across his or her arm, the weapon can
protect a person’s forearm from harsh blows thrown by an opponent. The majority
of nunchaku will have blocks that are of the same length, yet it is not
uncommon to see a set that is asymmetrical.
As for the chain or cord, it is usually just long enough to
be held in a person’s palm, which helps the wielder control the weapon easier
and inflict maximum damage. The weight of the weapon should have balance, in
order to perform flashier tricks and to be used as it should. If they do not
have balance, it will be harder to control the weapon, which can cause
significant damage to a person when either sparring or performing tricks with
the nunchaku.
If you purchase a traditionally made set of nunchaku, then
it will most likely be made of flexible, yet durable materials such as oak or
loquat. A traditional set of nunchaku is also crafted using horsehair as the
cord, instead of the chain we all know. While there are individuals who want to
own traditional nunchaku to add to their Okinawan martial arts collections,
many want to purchase modern nunchaku.
Modern nunchaku use different materials such as metal,
plastic, or wood. The majority of nunchaku people purchase is some variation of
plastic or fiberglass. When a modern variation uses metal, it is usually
something such as aluminum or something similar. A chain is also what will
connect the two blocks, instead of leather cords or something flimsier.
Sometimes they are connected by ball bearings or nylon.
Formal and Freestyle
There are two different ways one can use a nunchaku; these
are formal styling or freestyle. The most popular form is that of the freestyle
because this is what many people see in movies and television shows. The
differences between the two are as follows:
When used in a formal style, the nunchaku is
used for different martial arts such as Jujitsu, karate, and martial art
systems from the Philippines and Korean martial arts. These different systems
incorporate various moves that help with offensive strategies and defensive.
People are taught not only how to spin the nunchaku around, but also how to use
it as a weapon to strike out with and protect themselves from their opponents.
When going through formal training, you will learn the importance of self-control
and posture. If you do not master these, you run the risk of hitting yourself
and not your opponent, which will hurt just as much and carry embarrassment for
When used in freestyle, you will learn a form of
performance techniques that you might not learn in a formal style like karate.
The nunchaku is only used as a visual instrument to wow audiences and give
people a great chance to learn about these items, instead of being used as a
weapon. Freestyle is becoming quite popular thanks to the Internet and the
availability of training videos on YouTube. It is important to note that
individuals should go to someone to learn the basics before trying to learn on
their own to avoid significant injury.
Regardless of which style you choose to learn, the fact
remains that many martial art teachers want their students to learn how to use
the nunchaku. These weapons have shown that they increase hand-eye coordination
as well as overall coordination and balance. It also helps to improve posture,
reflexes, and many other wonderful benefits that can vary from student to
Nunchaku In Pop
As stated, the nunchaku has a very strong presence in
popular culture. Whether it is in a martial arts film or a child’s cartoon
where the protagonist attempts to learn the martial arts, the nunchaku is a
household name at the very least. One of the most popular instances of the
nunchaku in popular culture is, of course, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Michelangelo is the character that introduces many kids to these and these kids
have and will grow into adults who are fascinated by the nunchaku, wanting to
wield it like their favorite turtle.
Bruce Lee also made the nunchaku popular, but for fans of
martial arts films. In the 1970s, Lee was the poster boy for martial arts and
was oftentimes seen wielding nunchaku in several fight scenes, making it look
easier than tying a shoe. Other pop culture people who utilize the nunchaku are
Daredevil, the blind superhero and, oddly and hilariously enough, Napoleon
Dynamite. No matter the story, it seems that nunchaku are cropping up as a plot
piece or for a form of performance art to mesmerize viewers.
In Closing
The nunchaku seems to hold the unofficial title of most
popular martial arts weapon, and it seems to be the most romanticized of all. As
stated, these weapons are incredible to use when training in the martial arts,
improving coordination and giving people the ability to learn things such as self-discipline,
which is important to any martial art.