Katana Sword Terminology and the Main Parts of the Samurai’s
Ancient samurai swords are indeed beautiful objects. The
curved steel blade, intricately designed handles and protective sheaths are
works of art, which is why they are popular collector’s items today amongst
amateurs and professionals. People purchase samurai swords for a variety of
purposes, but displaying them amid a personal art collection or in a museum is
definitely a top reason. They are a dazzling sight to behold, all glistening
hard steel and fantastic handles. Not only that, but there is a beautiful and
rich history behind these martial arts swords, also known as a “katanas.” This
history contributes to the beauty and mystery of these sacred objects.
Hanging a katana in your home or office, or in a museum or
cultural center, is sure to spark conversation and debate, as the samurai
culture was one of honor and fierce loyalty, but also gruesome violence. Like
other ancient war artifacts of medieval nations, samurai swords represent a
time in history when class systems were rigidly defined, honor was valued above
all else and violence was commonplace.
If you are interested in learning more about the astounding
samurai culture through katana collection, read on to discover the basic parts
of the sword and common terminology about the katana.
The History of Samurai Swords
Samurai swords were such an important part of samurai
culture that they were revered by both samurai and others in the community.
Swords were often passed down from generation to generation, bestowed from
fathers to sons. Swords were such a big part of the samurai identity that when
a samurai was on his deathbed, his sword was beside him. The sword was an extension
of the samurai’s soul and was decorated to reflect that. Samurais were never
without their swords, even during times of peace. The sword was a part of daily
wardrobe for samurai, and it was never to be touched by others, except servants
when entering someone’s house (if the samurai’s intentions were noble). The
importance of the sword to the samurai cannot be understated. It was treated
with respect and reverence by everyone in samurai society.
Because of the historical and cultural significance of the
katana, it is important to know the various parts of the sword and the
appropriate terminology to use when conversing about samurai swords. This
article will provide a quick overview of the parts and terms associated with
ancient Japanese samurai swords.
Standard Katana Design
A samurai sword is composed of three main parts: the blade,
handle and sheath (or scabbard). However, there are many different variations
and varieties of sword. One of the most popular types of sword is the “Shinogi
Zukuri.” This is a standard katana.
A katana consists of a long, curved, single-edged blade and
a long grip that can accommodate two hands. Katanas generally weighed somewhere
in the range of 2 to 2½ pounds to ensure ease of use. Katanas also come in
various lengths and blade sizes and shapes. Shorter blades were carried at the
samurai’s side, commonly strapped to a belt or cord, while longer ones were
strapped to his back.
A note about length: samurai swords are measured in “shaku.”
This is the standard unit of Japanese measurement. One shaku is equal to
roughly 1 foot. Traditional swords are between 1 and 3 shaku. A sword is
measured by taking the size between the tip and the back notch.
Blades of Steel
The blade of a samurai sword is made from a kind of steel
known as tamahagane. Translated, tamahagane means “jewel steel.” Construction
of a samurai sword is an intricate, time-consuming process. It could take
several days or weeks to construct a sword, and it involved many different sword
smiths. Multiple craftsmen took part in the process, often accompanied by religious
rituals. It was, and still is, considered an art form.
The typical katana blade consists of a point (“kissaki”),
tempered point (“boshi”), point line (“yokote”), hard section (“yakiba”), ridge
line (“shinogi”), flat section (“shinogi-ji”), grain (“hada”), back (“mune”),
softer section (“ji”), temper line (“hamon”), edge (“ha”), groove (“hi”), edge
notch (“ha-machi”), back notch (“mune-machi”), engraving (“horimono”),
signature (“mei”) and tang (“nakago”). Detailed descriptions of some of these
terms are below.
The point of the sword is known as the kissaki. Skillful artisans
crafted these points to be incredibly sharp, as one can imagine. This is the
most difficult part of the sword to forge. It takes truly gifted artisans to
craft the piercing tip. Different sized kissaki have different names. A small
point is known as “ko hissaki,” a medium point is “chu kissaki” and a big point
is “o kissaki.” A chu kissaki point is the most common size on a katana.
It is common for blades to contain patterns (“hamon”). The
appearance of a hamon can help determine the value of a sword. A hamon is a
tempering pattern that results from the steel-making process. The hamon can
reveal different layers of steel that, again, determines the style and quality
of the sword. A hamon on the kissaki of a sword is known as “boshi.”
Hamon is not to be confused with “horimono,” which are
designs found either on the blade or the handle. Horimono are artistic pictures
that were engraved onto the sword. Commonly, horimono were religious inspired
and were carved into the sword to protect the warrior or to identify the
artist. Horimono could also be drawings of flowers, bamboo or dragons.
A shinogi is the most prominent part of the blade. It is the
ridge line of the blade. Shinogi are most common on long blades, not on shorter
The yokote is the straight dividing line that binds the tip
and blade. The yakiba is the angled line near the shinogi that separates the
kissaki from the rest of the blade. The shinogi-ji is the area (a flat surface)
between the back edge of the blade and the ridge.
The hada is a pattern that is formed from the forging
process. It is located on the actual blade itself. Ji is the softer area
located above the hamon.
The opposite side of the cutting edge of the sword (the back
side) is known as the mune, while the cutting edge of the sword is the ha.
Blades will often contain grooves, known as hi. The reason for the hi is
practical in that it reduces the weight of the sword and makes use easier. The
hi is sometimes known as “blood groove” and appears in various widths ranging
from wide, short and long. Because they are known as blood grooves, it was
thought that the grooves provided a way for blood to escape during an attack.
However, this is a myth, and the presence of these grooves is strictly
practical in nature.
Ha-machi are notches on the cutting edge of the sword,
towards the beginning. Notches that appear on the back edge of the sword are
known as mune-machi.
A signature is often included on the blade of a katana.
Signatures, also known as mei, are found on the tang of the blade, or the part
of the blade that is gripped in the handle. Signatures could be letters or
dates. Again, most katana blades contain a signature, but not all of them do.
The swords that do contain a signature can have it on one or both sides of the
tang. The tang is covered by the handle, but once the pegs used to secure the
handle are removed, the signature is visible. The signature is generally 5 to 7
characters and includes the date, name of the sword-maker and city where the
sword was made.
How to Handle
Moving on to arguably the most intricately designed part of
the katana, its handle (known as “tsuka”). There are many symbolic and
practical elements to the handle. The tsuka consists of these parts: collar
(“habaki”), guard (“tsuba”), spacer (“seppa”), another collar (“fuchi”) and end
cap (“fuchi-kashira”), peg (“mekugi”), ray skin (“same’”), ornament (“menuki”)
and braid (“ito”).
A katana sword handle contains two collars, a habaki and a
fuchi. These bookend the tsuba, or guard, along with spacers, or seppas. The
purpose of the collars is to secure the blade to the handle. The tsuba is a
decorative guard around the sword where the blade and handle meet. Tsubas are
often ornate and symbolize the samurai’s prosperity and wealth. The tsuba also
helps keep the sword balanced in battle. Tsuba’s are either made of iron or
softer metals, like gold, copper or silver. A tsuba is a popular collector’s
item on its own. They are considered valuable heirlooms and are highly sought
The “ito” was usually made of braided silk. Today,
variations of the ito include leather or cotton. It is wrapped around the
handle, over the “menuki,” for grip. The fuchi and fuchi-kashira bookend the
grip and are typically made of iron or other quality metals.
The bamboo peg used to secure the blade to the handle is
known as the mekugi. And the ray or sharkskin wrapped around the handle is
known as samé. All of this is secured with an end cap, or a fuchi-kashira.
The last component of the mighty samurai sword is the
sheath, or scabbard. The traditional sheath was known as a “saya.” These
offered protection for the katana and enabled easier transport. Today, swords
that are displayed are normally displayed in their sheaths. Again, the sheath
provides protection, even in a display situation. Never forget that swords are
weapons and can be dangerous if not handled respectfully and properly. In fact,
because swords are so delicate, the proper way to store a katana long term is
to house the blade in what is known as a “shirasaya.” A shirasaya is a
different kind of sheath that enables the sword to breath. Oftentimes, only a
scabbard and the fittings of a sword will be displayed, while the blade is kept
in a shirasaya for safekeeping.
To recap, the samurai sword is made up of many small pieces,
all working together to create a magnificent weapon. Whether decorative or
practical in nature (or, more often, both), these pieces construct one of the
most sophisticated of ancient wartime weapons. Through trial and error, skilled
artisans managed to erect an amazing piece of weaponry that is still admired
and valued today. If a component is missing or defective, the sword as a whole
won’t work. Each piece plays an important part in the effectiveness of the
samurai sword.
Now that you are familiar with the different parts and
components of the katana, you are able to participate in debates with experts
regarding parts of the sword and the symbolic meanings and practical uses
behind these parts. You may be interested in purchasing your own katana or doing
research to further your interest. If so, you should visit SwordsoftheEast.com.
Purchasing your own authentic samurai sword can be a
daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Don’t be overwhelmed. The experts at
SOTE will help find the right sword for you. Whether you are a beginner who
admires samurai culture and wants to start a collection, or an expert samurai aficionado
looking to enhance your own stockpile, SOTE can help. We carry a multitude of
styles from every different period. Please find us online at www.swordsoftheeast.com and or visit us on
Facebook at www.facebook.com/swordsoftheeast.