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Chinese Adam Hsu Series


Adam Hsu Series

The Adam Hsu Series delivers Chinese swords of incredible performance and functionality at affordable prices, consistent with the mission of Swords of the East.  Few Artists in recent world history bring the level of mastery and expertise to the design table that Sifu Adam Hsu does. He spent over 25 years studying with the greatest kung fu masters in Taiwan, like the venerable Grandmaster Liu Yun Chiao. A proflific writer and authority of the Martial Arts, founder of the Traditional Wushu Association, Black Belt Hall of Fame inductee, General Secretary of the National King Fu Federation of Taiwan, Instructor to the Republic of Liberia, honored President of the International and Six-Harmony Praying Mantis Associations--his list of accomplishments and titles goes on and on. Swords of the East is proud to carry work designed by this living legend and authority, and we're sure you'll find the performance of these blades worthy of a true Master.

  • Hsu Sword (Jian)
  • Hsu Two-Handed Sword (Jian)
  • Hsu Saber (Dao)
  • Hsu Giant Saber (Guandao)
  • Hsu Corn Leaf Saber (Miaodao)
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