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Japanese Swords

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Bokken Wooden Sword Practice

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Product Description

* Solid Red Oak Construction
* Curved and balanced just like a real katana
* Heavy duty plastic guard and rubber stopper
* Practice Sword forms with no risk!

Blade: 29"
Overall: 40"
Weight: 1 Lb

Great way to practice martial arts and get ready for a fully functional sharp samurai sword. Wielding these wooden swords will help you learn to use battle ready katana.

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(17 Ratings, 1 Review) Average Rating:
Victor (Wisconsin) 9/2/2014 6:44 PM
Came in the mail today and I must say as practice swords go it is truly amazing. The red oak is hard, resilient, and of maximum quality. The weight is nearly that of a real katana and it feels perfectly balanced, a steal for the price!